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  1. “Game” means an individual instance of Smite that is played until a winner is decided. Games can be won by: (1) Defeating the other teams Titan, (2) The opposing team surrendering after 10 minutes of play. (3) The opposing team forfeiting before the match begins, or (4) Awarded game victory by OKSE officials
  2. “Match” means a consecutive seat of games played between two teams. Played in accordance with the official rules where after one team will be determined the winner of the match.
  3. “God” means a player controlled character inside the game.
  4. “Skin” means an optional virtual game content that players can use to change the appearance of a God. Skins can change the following: appearance, voice line, sound effects, and skill effects.
  5. “Role” means a player’s position in the game: ADC, Support, Mid, Jungle, Solo
  6. “Team” means a group of players that make up the total 5 to play the game
  7. “Conquest” means the 5v5 game mode that is played in official matches
  8. “Titan” is the end game goal of SMITE. The creature that sits in the enemy team’s base that must be beaten to win the game.

Equipment Requirements

For one team, you will need, at minimum:

  • Any combination of five devices that can play SMITE (Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, Xbox, or PC). SMITE is a cross play game, so you can use any of the preceding devices in any combination.
  • A stable, high speed, internet connection
  • A Mobile hotspot is NOT an appropriate substitute for a reliable connection
  • Five copies of SMITE and five SMITE accounts. Both SMITE and accounts are free on all devices.


The following items are legal to use, but not required

  • A TV Screen or Monitor
  • A Dock for the Switch
  • Pro Controller (or off brand Pro Controller)

The only restriction on controllers is that it may NOT have post-manufacturing programmable features or the ability to host macros

 ●   Gamecube Controller (or an off-brand version)

○    The only restriction on controllers is that it may NOT have post-manufacturing programmable features or the ability to host macros

  • Xbox or PS4 Controllers (or an off-brand version)
  • The only restriction on controllers is that it may NOT have post-manufacturing programmable features or the ability to host macros

●    Video Capture Device for streaming matches

○    There are currently no illegal models of video capture devices, but a word of caution when purchasing...some models can change the input timing of buttons and cause screen lag. Be sure to test and practice with the device before the match (or use a second Nintendo Switch to stream from).

Team Requirements:

One team consists of a minimum of FIVE students. Member schools are allowed to have ONE varsity team (Major)

Students may not participate on more than one team in any given week of competition. Participation is defined as being on the roster for one of your teams. All roster changes will be finalized 24 hours before the match.

Season Flow:

Organizing your team

Before signing up for the season, coaches are encouraged to organize their student athletes to ensure you have the correct numbers and eligibility. OKSE recommends (but does not require) schools have a brief “tryout” period to help get students of similar skill levels on the same team. Brief instructions on a *possible* way you can do this are below. However, Your school ultimately has complete freedom to choose how they will be rostering students.


Start by gathering information about your students and their gameplay. Helpful questions include:

How long have you played the game?

What is your “Rank” in Conquest mode?

What is your primary role? (Support, Mid, ADC, Jungle, Solo)

These are great questions to initial separate students into playable groups. Your goal is to find the best 5 person combination with one person filling each of the outlined roles above. From there, group students into teams with one role each with the highest ranked individuals for each role on a team.

Schedules and League Format

OKSE believes school size is the fairest measurement for determining an equal level skill per division but also believes geographic location creates a healthier rivalry between schools. OKSE will always try to find the correct balance for your school between the two factors...with school size weighted slightly heavier in our considerations. 

Both leagues will have a single elimination bracket playoffs. Number of teams in the brackets will be determined by registration numbers and will be communicated mid-season.


Schedules for 2022-2023 Season

Schedules for both Varsity matches will be released on both the discord and the website.  It is the responsibility of the Coach to go through the published schedule before the season begins and find any and all conflicts you or your team might have. Contact the Coach of any teams where a conflict exists to change the scheduled match time.  If you are contacted by another Coach about a schedule change before the start of the season, you must work with them to reschedule the match to a time when both teams can compete. 


Once the season begins, you may not change any scheduled matches, except for an approved reason. Matches may be rescheduled due unforeseen circumstances such as loss of power or internet at the school, weather, National, State or Local declared emergencies, or other “Acts of God”.  To reschedule the match, the affected school must communicate as soon as possible with the other Coach. A member of the OKSE Executive Team or the Administrative Directors (if applicable) must be involved in rescheduling matches for these reasons.

All Varsity matches are played each designated week, on TBA…..

Weekly Match Flow

Each week, coaches are responsible for the following:

  • Sending an email or Discord message to your opponent at least  48 hours before the match time to confirm that the match will be played at default time.
  • Updating your Roster on the shared Google Sheet with the five players you will be fielding that week. You are also responsible for marking *which* student will be playing *which* role in the initial game.
  • Communicating with the opposing coach, through email, discord, or text message, to ensure fair play between teams and that rules are followed appropriately.
  • Communicating with league officials, through email or Discord, the results of the match.

MORE communication is always better than less. So communicate EARLY and OFTEN to ensure a smooth game day experience for all students.

Match Day Flow

The home team will create the lobby (lobby settings are below).

Match Length

In the regular season, the match length will be a Best of 1 format, Playoffs will be Best of 1 Double Elimination, State is Best of 1 Double Elim. Grand Finals is Best of 3.

Match Reporting

Please report all match standings win/loss/ff on

Side Selection

The home team will get to pick a side of the map, Order (blue) or Chaos (red). If no team is designated as the home team, the coaches can agree upon which side they will start on or do a coin flip.

After each game in a match, teams will play on the other side of the map (ie. If you were playing on Order (blue) in game 1, you will be playing on Chaos (red) in game 2...and so on).

Game Mode

The game mode being played will be Conquest. The winner of each game is determined by

  1. Defeating the opposing team’s Titan
  2. The opposing team surrendering after 10 minutes of play
  3. The opposing team forfeiting before the match begins
  4. Awarded game victory by OKSE Officials

Player Substitutions

Substitutions are allowed, however they can only be done before a game’s Pick and Ban phase


Coaches and other substitutes may only communicate with other players before each game up until Picks and Bans ends.

Communication with opponents during a match is prohibited, except for setting up the lobby or during a pause. The in game chat system should not be used *unless* a game issue has arisen and the game needs to be paused.


Any Gods, Skins, or items that are not allowed in the ranked mode of the game are also prohibited from being used in an official OKSE match

The exploit of any known bugs will not be tolerated and could result in a disqualification, pending OKSE officials review.

New Gods must be in the game for at least two weeks prior to the match to be able to be used.


Streaming of the game is allowed and encouraged for schools. The default spectator delay is 3 minutes. There is no need for additional OBS stream delay. No other players or outside participants are allowed to spectate.


If a disconnection or if a player does not load into the game were to happen within the first 10 seconds of the minions spawning, then either team can request a remake of the game.

If a remake happens, picks and bans need to be the same as the original game. Players *may* swap gods amongst the team

If a player disconnects after the point of remaking a pause may be used to wait for the player to return.


There is a pause system in the game that, when activated, stops all player movement. The pause system may only be used in these instances and coaches should communicate to each other when they need to pause:

  1. A player has disconnected
  2. A player is experiencing technical difficulties.
  3. A player is feeling ill or has a personal emergency that needs attending

A pause can last up to 3 minutes and each team will have 3 pauses to use during the match (a total of 9 minutes of pause time)

Both teams must agree they are ready to play before the game is unpaused.

In Game Setup

Match lobbies should be set up with the following settings. The home team is responsible for setting up the lobby.

Match Type: Conquest

Team size: 5v5

Player Pick: Draft - 8 Bans

Starting Level: Level 1

Starting Gold: 1500

Pause Type: Free

Bonus Time: 60

Spawn Lane Minions: On

Region: North America

Allow Spectators/Record Demo: On (COACH/STREAMER ONLY)

Low Delay Spectator Mode: OFF

The home team is responsible for creating and communicating the lobby password.

Match Restrictions

  • In the event a new God is introduced mid season, the new God will not be allowed for a period of 2 weeks after the God is released
  • Between matches coaching is allowed for up to two minutes - the use of a timer is encouraged.
  • Players are encouraged to cheer and verbally support their team members, but may not coach during the match.
  • Bad manners: Players who use excessive bad manners, insults, or such related behavior as determined by OKSE administration will be subject to the OKSE Code of Conduct and reviewed by league administrators to determine the consequences of such behavior.
  • Hacking, Ghosting, Stream Cheating: Any type of use of an illegal 3rd party program or map hack, stream cheating, or other activity that leads to one player gaining an unfair advantage will follow the guidelines as laid out in the Expectations Documents, based on the offender.

Conflict Resolution

  • OKSE encourages you to attempt to resolve all conflicts with the opposing team
  • If your attempts at resolving the conflict have been unsuccessful, please reach out to OKSE via the network discord to explain your situation and we will settle the matter for you.

Have screen shots or replays when possible.

○ All OKSE rulings on disputes are final

Technical Information

Smite’s guide to Port Forwarding is listed below